Sunday, January 17, 2010

Courage To Be FREE

It is technically my first blog and I couldn't find a better article than this one to start off.
Today, I read a lesson in one of my dad's 1995 Reader's Digest edition. It felt so right after reading it as if I got the answer for my life's pathetic situation.After every line I used to question myself-"How to deal with that issue?" And the next line I got its solution. It will be better if I share that part of Ardis Whitman's article which is more or less the story of our lives (at least my life)!

"Freedom is the maker of choices- an air to breathe, the place where we can learn the lessons of life, where we can, if we will, learn to be good. The trouble is, freedom is not easy. We aren't born knowing how to be free. And if freedom is the basis of all values, any erosion of it weakens us morally, making us less honest, courageous, humane. So is there anything we can do that will help us keep it in our daily lives?
The first step is to recognise that freedom does not mean doing everything we want. Such self-indulgence is the opposite of freedom. In fact, freedom is not about doing what we want to do, as much as about becoming what we want to be.

Whenever we make an important decision, we should ask ourselves: will this choice increase or lessen my freedom? Any decision to feed an addiction, for example, leads away from liberty. So make the one that will increase genuine, permanent freedom. You don't know what job is best for you? Choose the one that makes you freest.
To be free, also, is to resist the pressure to go with the crowd. When I was an adolescent, our family moved to a town where, for the first time, I was a target of a torment from other children because of an over-abundant vocabulary I didn't know how to discard, and ways of thinking nurtured in the parsonage. One day I ran away from them blinded by tears and banged into a tree. It didn't do me much harm, but it shocked me into a momentous discovery. 'I don't want to be like you,' I shouted to my tormentors. 'I would much rather be like me - and I will.'"

My motive behind telling you all this "crap"(for some,may be) was simply to boost up (as it worked for me) and also that I had to start blogging. But seriously speaking, if anyone of you ever feel sceptical about the decisions you make,professionaly or personally, I m sure (not 100% though) that it will work for you too.


  1. Nice blog and too good to make a start up.
    You write very good dear.

    I would like to make up something from the labels here.
    Practicing freedom with courage kills pressure.

  2. tanya all the best!!!!!!!
    u wrote very well.

  3. thank you blog is coming your way!!
